Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'd at least like the comfort of a Marlboro Light while I'm being shot at.

So a new study requested by the VA and the Pentagon is strongly urging a "smoke-free" military.

Read about it here.

We all know the dangers of smoking, but also know the dangers of putting your life at risk for your country. If a soldier wants to smoke a cig in the field, BUTT OUT and let him smoke! Surely the government has better ways of spending money than funding a study as ridiculous as this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I have just about had it with that Fascist in the
White House. He and his pathetic little minions should just get their noses out of our business. We'll be lucky to have any rights left by the end of his term. By then he will have learned how to be dictator for life just like his friend Hugo Chavez. Makes one yearn for bad old Bush. I guess he was the Fascist Light!!!!!!

love, mom

Yea I AM having a bad day at work, but all that did is piss me off enough to spout off.