Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Remebering Michael.

Ok, before anyone gets all up in arms and calls me insensitive, I just want to start out by saying Michael Jackson was a talented entertainer. I downloaded his number 1's album after I heard about his death, and I've been jamming to it for nearly two weeks now. Who doesn't like his music? Or at least know half the dance to Thriller?

That being said, why are people always remembered as spectacular after they die? Have we not forgotten this man was on trial for CHILD MOLESTATION?! Even though he wasn't convicted, there was some creepy ass stuff going on at Neverland...and I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

Or how about when he dangled his child "Blanket" over that balcony in front of cameras and screaming fans? Or how he masked his children when he took them out in public? or what about the fact he had so much plastic surgery his nose looked like it was falling off? Come on, people. If someone would've asked you your opinion on Michael Jackson a month ago, most of you would've said something along the lines of him being weird. Stop being so hypocritical.
At yesterday's momorial, the ever so wonderful Reverend Al Sharpton addressed Michael's kids and said this: "I want his children to know there was nothing strange about your daddy, it was strange what your daddy had to deal with."
WTF! There most certainly WAS something strange about your daddy! Your daddy was a FREAK! Why has this all been forgotten just because he's dead? Get a grip!


KC Kinney said...

Oh my gosh! haha

too funny...although I'm still a Michael Jackson Fan when it comes to dancing and may have very well hit the nail on the head...WEIRDO!!

The Shaffer Family said...

You couldn't have said it any better! You hit the nail right on the head!!!

skittle365 said...

Thanks girls:) And Casey, I agree! I love his music, but he was WEIRD!!

Anonymous said...

You are preachin' to the choir here, Ashley!!!!!!!!

love, mom

Matt said...

I hear ya on that one. Well said. Go watch the South Park episode "The Jeffersons". It'll show you what the world thought of Michael Jackson just a few years ago.