Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Opinions Needed.

I'm debating whether or not to do an experiment while I'm at the beach at the end of this month. I THINK I'm going to try and give up my BlackBerry for an ENTIRE 5 days. I want to see if my world will come crashing down around me if I don't call my mom every five minutes to tell her something random, or check Facebook, or text, or BBM. Do you think I should try it?

Obviously, I'll take my phone WITH me, just in case something happens, but my goal is to keep it turned off from the moment we step into our hotel until the moment we get home (yes, that means no phone on the 8+ hours home while Felix is driving. That is going to be KILLER). I honestly don't know if I'll be able to do it, but I'm going to try.

This is where I need your opinion:
I'm trying to decide whether or not I should also give up the internet (no facebook, hotmail, etc.). HOWEVER, because of my weird dedication to getting through this "blogging every day for a year" experiment, I HAVE to take my laptop. I have every intention of writing a blog post every day while I'm down there, even though it will probably just be a picture every day. I guess what I'm asking, do you think I'd be able to take my laptop for blogging purposes, and actually stay away from everything else? Is it worth the sacrifice just to see if I can do it?

I'm so friggin' dependent on technology, it's ridiculous. I want to see if I'll actually DIE if I don't check my email and facebook 83974383 times a day. I'm not much of a phone chatter, but texting? I do it a gazillion times a day. Do I really need to do that while I'm at the beach, or should I just sit back and relax and enjoy my first real vacation in YEARS.

Opinions, please!!!!!


Leah said...

Triple dog dare you to! I have thought about doing the same...but frankly I'm too obsessed. I bet it's possible...but how will you keep from checking your daily sites when you update your blog? Tempting!

KC Kinney said...

Oh how fun!

I definately think you should TRY and go technology free for a week.

It'd be such a fun challenge.

I assume Felix is going? so if so think of all the alone time for just the two of you.

I'm not gonna lie it will be hard! But I think you can do it, once you see how relaxing your trip will be :)

Good Luck!

P.S. Don't take the laptop! It'll be too tempting!

L said...

I just got back from the beach and made it without using my phone(Blackberry). I didn't even check my email. I guess it helped that everyone I would text was already there. And I lied, I used my phone to let me friend know the address. But I'm clearly not as addicted as you are. If I wouldn't have to spend a few hundo for a new, non-blackberry phone, I would chuck mine in the Potomic. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Oh sure ....not call mommy!

love, mommy ha

skittle365 said...

Yes,'s just Felix and I (Which I am SOOOOO excited for. Our first real vacation!!)

I still can't decide if it's worth it. I like to text while I'm laying in the sun. LOL.

Steph said...

i say eff the phone. but totally support the blogging thing. just don't take tons of time away from the vacation time.. and you and felix time, uninterrupted.