Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Maybe It's Just Me....BUT....

I realize all these attacks on ships off the Horn of Africa by Somali Pirates aren't something to laugh at...but I just have such a hard time taking any of the news seriously when I picture the pirates looking like this:



Steve Braband said...


Get on twitter and start promoting this shizz.

You're a good writer.

Kind of.....

I will direct all my immature readers to come here and make poop jokes.

I love and miss you.

Get on twitter.

The Gilligans said...

You would post this thought too! I sat here and died laughing because I hear and see you trying to be serious on this topic but then ending everything with a big Arrggghhh!
Now when I hear about itpirate attacks, this image will run through my mind :) You're not right Smash!

I think the idea of having a
b-ville tru crew night is great! Let's plan something!

The Gilligans said...

wow, can you tell I just woke up!? Don't mind the ridiculous errors in that one!

skittle365 said...

Wow, Steve...I think those might be the nicest things you've ever said to me. Thank you:)

I dunno about the Twitter thing. Will it help me get paid tons of money to blog so I can quit my job and stay at home and eat macaroni and cheese?

skittle365 said...

And Lauren...I'm glad I could start your day out right by making you laugh:)

And you were totally right about me talking about those pirate stories and saying "AARRHH!!!"