Thursday, May 21, 2009

Recipe for the Best Sleep Ever (without the help of prescription drugs)

I have NOT been sleeping well lately. It's weird. I don't have any problem actually FALLING asleep, but in 5 or 6 hours, I'm wide awake. For a lot of you, 5 or 6 hours seems sufficient, but for way. I need at least 7 1/2 hours to feel well-rested.

I'd say my sleep problem has been going on for the last two weeks or so, and it happens to me every few months. Then when I can't sleep, I worry about not sleeping, which makes it harder for me to fall asleep...and as you can see, it's a vicious cycle.
I've Googled "sleep tips" a gazillion times, only to be told the same crap over and over. Drink chamomile tea. Don't drink caffeine 10 hours before bed (who can do that? Not me.). Exercise (check). Drink warm milk (no thanks). Stay on your sleep schedule, even on weekends (not possible for me).

Yesterday, I found the new anecdote to get me to sleep soundly (and it doesn't have anything to do with the vicodin leftover from my wisdom tooth debacle).

Here it is: Nyquil.....

.....paired with: A Princess Sleep Mask (courtesy of one Talia Diaz, without her knowledge)

The Nyquil is obvious. Not so obvious is the half-filled-Dixie-cup-I-downed-like-it-was-my-job.

The sleep mask also did wonders. (Ok, so I woke up clawing at my eyes thinking I had gone blind because I could NOT figure out why it was so dark when my eyes were open, but no one has to know that).

This will be my prescription until it doesn't work any longer, then I'll have to find something else.

Hey Google! File that under "sleep tips", bitches!

Also...The Nyquil may have somewhat of a lasting effect, and here's why I think that: I was sitting on the recliner watching Dr. Phil and I was getting SUPER pissed at the neighbors because they would NOT stop blaring Beyonce. Like, it wasn't just the bass thumping the walls, I could actually hear the lyrics (Ladies leave your man at home, the parties for the ballers and their pockets full grown...OK, I guess technically its Destiny's Child).


So I'm sitting there FUMING at my stupid new white trash neighbors, when I realized Destiny's Child was actually coming from MY upstairs. In MY bedroom. From MY alarm clock. It only took 3 1/2 minutes for me to figure that out. Brilliant!


Patrick said...

While it's not a prescription drug Ash, I don't know how great of an idea Nyquil is. If you say you're falling asleep fine, waking up off of 6 hours of sleep, still getting to the gym, and obviously still feeling witty and energized enough on a daily basis to keep us all entertained here, maybe you actually don't need more than the 6 hours...especially in the summer! Working nights, I find I typically sleep 1-2 hours less in the summer. That's probably because it's light out, always...but I still feel alright.

Pretty much it sounds like you're using coffee (stimulant) to get through work, and then Nyquil (depressant) to sleep soundly. That's like giving your body daily doses of Red Bull and Vodka, without the urge to fight me. I'm telling ya, give up the coffee for a bit, and just drink water. When I first started on the 8p-4a shift i NEEDED coffee...but after awhile couldn't sleep when I got home, so I 100% gave it up, just dont drink it at all anymore. Water though, great for the skin, keeps you hydrated, gives you energy, fills you it all. I'm tellin ya...DO IT! (It's also amazing the effects it has on weight loss, not that I'm sayin ya need it...but given the math you did in the other post about 2 lbs a might be surprised.)

skittle365 said...

Hmmm...maybe you're right about the maybe not needing more than 6 hours...but I LIKE sleeping 8.
That being said, I drink a single cup of coffee a day. That's it. Water the rest of the day, so I don't think that's my problem. But maybe I will try to give up the caffeine for awhile to see if I can do it.
We had this water talk before I think, remember? :)
And I only used the Nyquil yesterday...and I might, but I promise you Patty Cakes, I will not become dependent on the OTC drugs. Thanks for being concerned, though:) LOVE YA!

Unknown said...

I like Tylenol PM (vanilla caplets). Makes me sleep like a baby. :)

The Gilligans said...

I too can't sleep ...EVER! However, my problem is much different. I have a sleep walking husband that I worry about so I never actually fall deeply asleep. Hmmm, I guess I need to think about how I can make him stay in bed safely so I can sleep. Rope? Duct tape? Any ideas???

Yea back to you Smash - I LOVE Nyquil. Sorry to your friend Patrick (he seems so genuinely concerned for you!), but I have agree that is my sleep inducer of choice too. I don't like to use dixie cups of any kind... just tip the bottle and take 3 good gulps...maybe 4? HAHa!

Have a great day Smash!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ash,
Patrick is a boy after my own heart. I did not have to take time to give a mom lecture since he did it for me. Lauren you kids and your Nyquil...good grief. This from a 51 year old who has insomnia about once a year!!!!! Word! HAHAHAHA Next I will be talking about my peeps, ha

love, mom

skittle365 said...

HA! Thanks for the sleep-aid-support Lauren and Becky:) I too enjoy some Tylenol PM in my life occassionally (Although I have found Advil PM sucks).
And mom, you never give me mom lectures, you just are quiet so I know you don't approve of whatever you're telling me:)