Monday, May 4, 2009

Mondays Stink.

I'm really not a fan of Mondays. I don't know many people who are, except those who don't get weekends off from work and are looking forward to a Wednesday/Thursday "weekend".
The only perk about MY Monday is that since I work overnight, it's over before most peoples even starts. And I'm in bed sleeping while you're schlepping your way through the day.

Maybe Mondays on "As Told by Ash" will be dedicated to finding a happy song that is sure to lift your spirits to help get you through a rough work week.

This week's selection? "That's Not My Name" by the Ting Tings. When the weather was so nice last week, I cruised around with it blasting and my windows down. If it doesn't put you in a good mood, I don't know what will and I can't help you. Sorry.

What song puts you in a great mood? Let me know!


sally said...

LDN by Lily Allen!!!!

skittle365 said...

That was one of my options in my mind for today!

Anonymous said...

I must confess that I don't get the Ting Tings and Lily Allen is just some drunk I read about on Perez Hilton. But I do love Monday since it is a day off.

love, mom

skittle365 said...

Well then, mom...what song puts YOU in a good mood?

Anonymous said...

You know my favorite song is Head like a Hole by Nine Inch nails. However I cannot say it puts me in a good mood, lol... I do love You Are My Sunshine.